Ignite Fitness Was A Success in 2024

Last Friday, gym owners and managers from Australia descended on Melbourne for the Annual Ignite Fitness.  This event is the brain child of Mel Tempest to encourage education and collaboration within our industry.

I had the opportunity to share why I do what I do – think Simon Sinek.  I was able to talk through that I want to reduce the health care costs around the globe by getting more people moving and moving more often! I am always grateful when I get to explain why I do what I do.

Lisa and I represented MysteryShoppingForFitnessBusinesses.com.au during the Roundtable discussions, where we found out more from gym owners why they like mystery shopping their own clubs – or even why don’t!

It was a terrific event with some of the country’s best speakers and the industry’s most supportive industry suppliers sponsoring the day.  In fact, there were 6 members of the Australian Suppliers REX Roundtable all there!

See if you recognise anyone . . .


Face to face education is the best! See you at #FitnessBiz24.

Register Now at www.Activemgmt.com.au/FitnessBiz