May Business Spotlight: Making Smart Decisions


3 Step Challenge

  1. Identify decisions you should have made that you have not yet made.
  2. Prioritise those decisions.
  3. Select and commit to your decision.

The Active Management community share what decisions we are making, so we can help and support each other.  We share resources, tips and advice to help you commit to your decision.

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  1. Jamie Hayes on May 8, 2018 at 16:08

    Great FB Live on this last week. My thoughts were: Not making a decision is actually making a decision to delay making a decision. It’s too easy making a decision when you don’t actually know all the choices available. Ask your peers about choices. Don’t make big decisions under stress or when tired. If you suffer FOMO (fear of missing out), or need to be in total control of everything, recognise these weaknesses when making decisions. How will the decision affect profit? Will it further bind you or free you from the business?