From Our NPE Friends: 3 Reasons a Great Client Experience isn’t an Automatic Renewal
Deliver a great client experience, and the renewals will take care of themselves.
That’s the gut reaction of most fitness business owners.
But it’s a half-truth. Yes, you need to deliver on client experience.
But that only earns you the right to ask. And earning the right to ask isn’t the same as:
- Asking in the most effective, efficient way, and
- Getting to yes
Many fitness business owners, even ones that crush client experience, fall short on renewals:
- They drop the ball seeking out feedback
- They over-rely on automation
- They don’t adequately track who’s up for renewals
Most important, they just don’t approach renewals in an effective and systematic way. Renewals, like sales, require you take certain steps–steps that make the difference between high renewal rates (that come with referrals) and mediocre, referral-free renewal rates.
Most fitness business owners already know they need renewals. But they often don’t realize just the steps they can take to make renewals more likely and how to get more of them… And they don’t understand what’s blocking them from getting more.
Key: If you are going to grow your business, you’ve got to retain your current customers and bring in new ones. If you fail to retain current customers, you’ll end up in grinding out business month-by-month.
Those are a few couple of reasons why renewals are an essential part of the Fitness Business Marketing Lifecycle–a frontline-tested battle plan that has changed the lives of thousands of fitness business owners like yourself.
Action steps
Remember: Client experience needs to be nailed down first. Renewals are endorsements. That’s why, in our 8-Step Fitness Business Marketing Lifecycle, we put renewals last. You crush the first steps, and you’ll be best positioned to crush this last one, too.
If customer experience is there, you’re only halfway there: You don’t want to let renewal opportunities slip away.
Learn the most effective ways to increase your renewal rates (and generate more referrals, too!)
In this new guide, we outline an action plan to help you overcome obstacles and start increasing renewals. Inside you’ll discover:
- The big blockers in getting renewals
- The way to set up the renewal
- Keys to making automated renewal programs work so you don’t over-rely on them
- And much, much more …

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.